Frank B. Wilderson, III
Frank is an award-winning writer, poet, scholar, activist and emerging filmmaker. Dr. Wilderson spent five years in South Africa as an elected official in the African National Congress during the country’s transition from apartheid and was a member of the ANC’s armed wing Umkhonto We Sizwe. He also lectured at the University of Witwatersrand (a White English medium university in Johannesburg), Vista University (a Black English medium, Afrikaner-controlled university in Soweto), and Khanya College (a tertiary-level liberation school for activist youth whose studies had been “interrupted” by the revolution). Dr. Wilderson served as a Market Theater dramaturge and worked on an all-Black South African cast production of the Black American play The Colored Museum; and as an elected official in the (ANC-aligned) Congress of South African Writers.

In 'Afropessmism," a Black Intellectual Mixes Memoir and Theory
Click here to read a recent interview with Frank in the New York Times.

Discussion with Frank on Afropessimism
Click here to watch the video and read the questions and comments.

Emphasis Mine: The Italicized Life of Frank Wilderson ’78
Click here to read an interview with Frank for Dartmouth Alumni Magazine.